
If I won the lottery

As a first-generation immigrant, the aspiration of transcending poverty has colored my entire life. My father, steadfastly dedicating a portion of his weekly budget to the lottery, clings to the belief that his modest $2 investment might one day yield millions. Despite acknowledging the odds, there's an undeniable allure to the notion. After all, the likelihood of winning the lottery seems far more plausible than my chances of ever becoming President of the United States. With that thought in mind, let's indulge in a bit of dreaming.

Bitcoin:  Betting on the hype

Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, has garnered significant attention and adoption since its inception in 2009. While it was originally created to function as a decentralized digital currency, it has also attracted the interest of numerous wealthy individuals. These individuals, often referred to as "whales" in the cryptocurrency space, play various roles in the Bitcoin ecosystem.  

As of this writing (August 2023), the following are the top five public companies with the largest Bitcoin holdings:

On November 8, 2021, at the zenith of Bitcoin's value, a single BTC commanded an impressive $67,567. This extraordinary valuation had a cascading effect on the cumulative worth of the top five public companies that held Bitcoin. Collectively, their combined BTC holdings reached an astounding $11,071,393,486.  This meteoric rise was propelled by a convergence of factors:

As of August 2023, however, Bitcoin's value has descended from its peak to approximately $26,606. This decline has consequently diminished the aggregated BTC holdings of these five companies to $4,359,605,948. While a 60% decrease is certainly substantial, the remaining figure of $4,359,605,948 underscores the considerable monetary magnitude that remains.

This girl is cautiously putting her faith in Bitcoin—albeit conservatively, given the asset class's notorious volatility. Billionaire Michael Saylor has boldly predicted a staggering $1 million per BTC within the next few years, citing the diminishing supply due to mining limitations. This scenario, he suggests, might ignite a frenzy of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) that could catapult the price to unprecedented heights.

Understanding FOMO isn't a foreign concept, as this middle-class girl is keen on capitalizing on whatever morsels the billionaires might throw her way when their own Bitcoin investments trigger surges. Does this mean a wholehearted endorsement of the technology itself? Not exactly. What holds conviction is the notion that these affluent figures won't allow Bitcoin to plummet to zero. With their substantial influence and extensive networks, they possess the capacity to propel it well beyond the $1 million threshold.

Consider the example of a single affluent individual—Elon Musk—whose mere tweet wielded the power to drive Dogecoin's price up by a staggering 265,000% from its initial value of $0.00026 on December 6, 2013. This astonishing case illustrates the potential sway of a wealthy individual's words.

Hence, I'm not staking the entirety of my lifesaving on Bitcoin—just perhaps the equivalent of my daily indulgence in bubble tea. This cautious approach reflects a realistic understanding of the unpredictable nature of cryptocurrencies, while also acknowledging the potential for wealth fluctuations in this volatile realm.

Navigating the diabetes challenge: A journey towards balance

Before even embarking on my story, it's important to understand that I'm up against a heightened predisposition to diabetes. The International Diabetes Federation's revelation that 60% of diabetics hail from Asia hits close to home, as my own family history is peppered with this relentless adversary. With the odds somewhat stacked against me, my journey is one of conscious effort and resilience—an endeavor to stall the impending tide of diabetes for as long as possible.

During my pregnancy, the unexpected arrival of gestational diabetes added a new layer of complexity to my health journey. Upon learning about the diagnosis, my doctor advised a vigilant monitoring approach—should the situation escalate, medication might become necessary to safeguard my child's well-being. However, I perceived this challenge not as a setback, but as a gauntlet thrown down before me.

Embarking on this mission, I immersed myself in a regimen that would prove to be both rigorous and transformative. The days stretched into months, marked by an unceasing parade of finger pricks to meticulously track my food intake. Time itself seemed to pivot around meal schedules, with hours spent watching the clock until I could partake in my modest meals. The pressures of maintaining a delicate balance—ensuring I neither gained too much nor too little weight—underscored the seriousness of the task at hand.

The journey through pregnancy turned out to be far from the anticipated joyride, and yet, it wielded a profound lesson. It showcased the extent of my resilience and determination when it comes to safeguarding the well-being of those I hold dear. Amidst the challenges, I unearthed an unyielding spirit, one that can rise to any occasion, driven by the need to protect and provide for my child.

Fast-forward to the present, and the battlefield has shifted. Now, I'm channeling that same steadfastness and unwavering commitment to preserving my own health. The lessons learned during those months of pregnancy remain a testament to my capabilities, guiding me as I navigate the terrain of diabetes with a renewed sense of purpose. It's a journey that's led me to a conscious and proactive path—reflecting not just my resolve to protect my child, but to protect myself as well. So, what am I doing now?

Eating smarter

Changing my diet is a crucial part of my ongoing fight against diabetes. I've intentionally shifted my food choices to ensure each meal contributes to my health goals.

First and foremost, I've swapped white rice for nutrient-rich multigrain rice. The ubiquitous loaf of bread has been replaced by a more mindful indulgence—two slices of Ezekiel bread, acclaimed by some random Internet source as the pinnacle of healthiness in the bread aisle. This shift away from simple carbohydrates wasn't without its challenges, as their tempting taste persisted long after they left my diet.

These days, I've adopted an abundance mindset when it comes to non-starchy vegetables, savoring them like they were free. My diet now sees a plethora of stir-fried and raw leafy greens, a change that wasn't devoid of initial reservations. Over time, however, chewing on raw vegetables became more than a culinary obligation; it evolved into a flavorful experience, a testament to the adaptability of the human palate.

Conscious reduction of added sugar has emerged as another pivotal aspect of my dietary crusade.  I've adopted a philosophy of finding joy in my consumption. If the added sugar doesn't evoke a sense of pleasure, I've learned to halt its consumption. When presented with a well-prepared sandwich, I've changed my approach—I now concentrate on relishing the core flavors and skip over the carb-heavy layers if they don't bring me enjoyment. Resisting cakes, ice cream, and sugary junk food isn't a huge challenge for me. Growing up, I learned not to snack excessively. Growing up with financial constraints, treats like cakes, ice cream, and junk food were a luxury, typically only enjoyed when bills and necessities allowed for extras. These infrequent indulgences actually played a role in training my mind not to desire them as intensely.

The prospect of snacking has been met with similar scrutiny. While fruits offer an alternative to sugary treats, my commitment to minimizing sugar content remains steadfast. The concept of joy-driven consumption guides me here as well—only if a particular fruit sparks genuine delight will it earn a place on my plate. It's a practice that underscores my quest for moderation, allowing me to enjoy the occasional indulgence without straying from my overarching goals.

Amid these culinary shifts, I've also learned from past experiences. I used to follow overly restrictive diets, leading to counterproductive binges on "forbidden" foods. After my pregnancy, I indulged in simple carbs and gained weight, pushing me closer to the dreaded D word. The scale was my wake-up call, prompting me to make sustainable changes. My current diet involves mindful food choices, avoiding less ideal options. Yet, I've embraced moderation too—a piece of naan bread at an Indian buffet is now a mindful enjoyment, not a taboo.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has gained attention for its potential benefits for diabetes management, but it's important to note that individual responses can vary. Here are some potential benefits of intermittent fasting for diabetes:

Considering these potential benefits, I've decided to give intermittent fasting a shot. I'm taking a measured approach, aiming for a 16-hour fasting window followed by an 8-hour eating window. Admittedly, it's quite the challenge, especially given my hectic daily routine. Juggling a lengthy commute, managing dinner before shuttling the kids to their evening activities, and fitting in exercise leaves little room for leisurely meals.

The struggle is real, as I find myself battling hunger pangs until noon each day (water becomes a rather monotonous companion, though it does provide a temporary distraction). Breaking my fast with nourishing meals doesn't trigger an immediate rush of euphoria, but it does leave me feeling less weighed down afterward. Sundays have transformed into meal-prepping marathons to ensure that I have microwave-friendly options ready for quick consumption during the week, all before the designated eating window closes.

But is it yielding results? About a month into embracing intermittent fasting, I'm rather content with the progress I'm noticing. Perhaps it's wishful thinking, but my midsection seems a touch less pudgy, and my typically oversized t-shirt now hangs a bit more loosely. These outcomes provide ample motivation for me to persist on this challenging journey. As time passes, I've found that my body is gradually adjusting to the structured eating schedule, making the process feel somewhat less grueling.

Exercise, exercise baby

Powerlifting became my passion, sparked during my first pregnancy. Its simplicity and promise of an all-encompassing workout drew me in. So, I started a 5x5 program, committing three days a week.  My strength grew, but so did those unwanted inches. Perhaps the layer of fat from my not-so-healthy diet was to blame. Despite trying to convince myself it was muscle weight, the scale didn't lie. I refused to be beaten, anchoring my approach in diet as the linchpin of my lifestyle.

I revamped my exercise routine too. Shifting away from solely focusing on rapidly achieving maximum strength, I transitioned to higher reps and lower weights. This new approach aimed to sculpt the long, lean muscle I desired, while the lower reps helped mitigate injury risks—my lower back had suffered as the barbell load increased. I introduced core exercises to sculpt those vanity muscles, ready for their debut once stubborn fat gives way.

With fat-burning in mind, I incorporated cardio three times a week. I engage in inclined walking at 4.5 speed with an incline of 4. During the height of the COVID pandemic, my daily walks on a steeper incline took a toll on my feet and ankles. Unable to run due to an injury-prone feet, I'm contemplating a shift to rowing for cardio. Hopefully, this gentler approach will be kinder to my feet while helping shed those stubborn inches.

Yoga takes center stage on my designated rest day. Though I find its slow-paced movements and emphasis on deep breathing somewhat tedious, I'm committed to nurturing an appreciation for its benefits and meditative qualities.

My friend, G, once had an aversion to running, much like my initial feelings toward yoga. However, he embarked on a journey to alter his perception, and his approach was truly enlightening. G decided to employ the power of persistent positivity to change his mindset. He told me that he started running with a frown on his face and a heavy heart, but he forced himself to smile throughout his runs. He repeated to himself, "I love running, I love running," until it became a sort of mantra.

Remarkably, over the course of many months, G's mind underwent a transformation. His consistent use of positive self-talk and the repetitive assertion that he enjoyed running gradually started to take root. Slowly but surely, he noticed a shift in his feelings. What began as a forced smile turned into genuine enjoyment. 

Inspired by G's journey, I'm excited to experiment with a similar approach to foster an affinity for yoga. I intend to apply the power of intentional positivity and self-affirmation to reshape my perception of yoga's slower pace and mindful breathing. Just as G's journey demonstrated, our minds possess an incredible capacity to adapt and find joy even in activities that might initially seem unappealing. With dedication and patience, I'm eager to see how this approach will influence my relationship with yoga over the next year, and I look forward to sharing my progress.

Be kinder to myself

It's an undeniable truth that we are often our own harshest critics, and I, too, can be my own most formidable judge (my inner cheerleader, unfortunately, hasn't yet figured out how to amplify her voice). There are moments when I can't manage to squeeze in my usual workout routine or when the enticing allure of those flaky, nutrient-lacking pastries becomes too hard to resist, leading to a cascade of "one too many pastries" regrets. During those times, I'd often feel down and start examining the mirror for imagined extra fat that seemed to materialize after just one indulgence. Not exactly a productive or healthy habit, to say the least.

I've been putting in a conscious effort to shift my perspective, determined to break free from this cycle of self-critique and negativity. It's become a priority for me to learn to let go of the downfalls of any given day. Instead of letting myself dwell on past health missteps, I've started reminding myself that tomorrow is another opportunity to make wiser choices, so there's no need to sweat the small stuff. As I work on nurturing my growing appreciation for yoga, I'm applying this approach to my self-image as well. I'm learning to embrace my own imperfections while also extending myself the grace to continually strive for improvement.

I've come to recognize that a single off day or a momentary lapse in my health routine won't define me or send me spiraling closer to the precipice of diabetes. By cultivating self-compassion and understanding, I'm reshaping my relationship with setbacks and mishaps. It's all about accepting that imperfections are a part of life and that they don't hold the power to derail my progress or steer me away from my health goals. In this journey to maintain a balanced lifestyle and stay on the right side of the diabetes line, showing myself kindness and granting myself permission to be human are key elements that foster resilience and success.    

My hope

I have an upcoming appointment with my Endocrinologist in a month, and I'm eagerly anticipating that all this hard work will reflect in a significantly improved A1C level. And, if I'm being completely honest, I'm also hoping that the scale will enthusiastically declare that I've shed a few pounds. I'll be sure to keep you posted on how things progress.

What am I doing with all this beer?

Picture this: my husband's a casual sipper, while I've been on a "no alcohol" ride since my first pregnancy. Fast forward to today, and those beers our friend left us a few months ago have decided they're in it for the long haul. They've morphed from the casual plus-one to the party that just won't end. It's like having that quirky friend who moved in and somehow became part of the décor. But, honestly, there's a limit to politeness. It's as though they've acquired a lease, and I've suddenly transformed into the landlord ready to collect overdue rent.

Sure, I could simply send them on their way, but that's not my style. Minimizing waste is my mantra, and waving goodbye to those cans feels like bidding adieu to a small fortune. Financially, it's just not the farewell I'm prepared to give.  Enter my trusty sidekick, ChatGPT. The mission?  Devise a recipe that's not only tolerable but dare I say, pleasant, for a solid five days. I mean, who's got the time or energy to whip up gourmet meals after an eight-hour work marathon followed by an intense commute? 

Now, let's get real. My kitchen isn't a Michelin-starred restaurant, and my spice rack isn't boasting a global flavor tour. We're talking about weeknight reality here. I'm after recipes that don't involve me memorizing a cookbook or competing in a culinary triathlon.

So, let's cut to the chase. Here's the masterpiece that ChatGPT concocted.

Quick Beer-Infused Bò Lúc Lắc:



Did I change anything?

Whole Foods was practically flaunting their extravagant beef tenderloin prices—seriously, they were like the royalty of meats. And as for beef sirloin? It decided to play an intense game of hide-and-seek. But guess who I found? Affordable beef for stew, looking all modest and inviting. I've got high hopes for this one—I'm planning a marathon marination to work some serious tenderizing magic. Inflation's got me sharpening my corner-cutting skills, without compromising on flavor, of course.

Hold onto your taste buds, because here's where the plot thickens. Instead of beer, I've got dry cider hanging out in the fridge. The recipe called for beer, but am I about to sprint to the store for one ingredient? Nope, not a chance. This ship has sailed, and it's sailing with cider on board.

White rice? It's a double "no" for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I've transitioned to healthier choices, bidding farewell to the white rice era. Secondly, that secret stash from years ago? Well, it's long been depleted. So, without further ado, let's roll out the red carpet for this culinary experiment and find out if it's a smashing success or just a charming one-time endeavor. Here's to keeping our fingers crossed for a tasty outcome!


The dish was rather average. Even after soaking the beef overnight, it failed to achieve the desired tenderness. The marinade was subtle, lacking the rich flavors needed to elevate the dish. Without the customary Vietnamese fish sauce, my expectations for authenticity might have been too high. While I consider the dish acceptable, its muted taste makes me inclined not to recreate it. However, I won't simply discard it, as the protein content is valuable for nourishment.

Still more beer (actually dry cider) and many overly ripened bananas

I've already put two cans of that dry cider to work for the Quick Beer-Infused Bò Lúc Lắc, and guess what? I've still got a duo of cans waiting in the wings. As if that's not enough, my kitchen counter is doing its best impression of a banana jungle, with more of them than I can handle, all teetering on the edge of over ripeness.

So, here's the deal, chatGPT. I'm handing over the reins to you, hoping your culinary wizardry can conjure up something spectacular out of this cider surplus and banana bonanza. It's your time to shine in the kitchen. What's your grand plan?



Did I change anything?

Not exactly, but I skipped the chopped nuts since I didn't have any, and I left out the salt due to using salted butter (it's all I had on hand). Plus, I had to improvise with three mini loaf pans instead of the 9x5-inch one. That's when I turned to chatGPT for guidance on tweaking the temperature and cook time for these smaller pans:

Fingers crossed, this turns into a masterpiece. I even dared to snatch a taste test at the 30-minute checkpoint.  I must admit, the sweetness levels are giving me a touch of concern. Nevertheless, I'm holding onto hope that taking that real bite will serve as the ultimate judge and deliver the verdict I'm eagerly anticipating.


A touch more sweetness would have enhanced the overall taste. The banana flavor remained subtle, and unfortunately, the pronounced presence of cinnamon and spices wasn't to my liking. The texture leaned heavily towards being overly dense and moist, which doesn't align with my preference for dessert breads. Taking into account that the nutritional benefits are outweighed by the glucose-spiking ingredients, I'll most likely opt not to finish this. Ultimately, it's not worth allocating my carb intake to something that doesn't bring me joy and offers, at best, a mediocre experience.

My dream board

As my daughter worked on her dream board assignment, I found myself drawn into a familiar dance with introspection. Amidst the whirlwind of daily routines and responsibilities, the concept of reflection often takes a backseat.

With my recent birthday nudging me to contemplate life's purpose, I've compiled my dream board—a mix of pragmatic aspirations and seemingly far-fetched dreams.   I grasp that these dreams might seem far-fetched, but does that mean I should halt my pursuit of the moon? Are they truly unreachable, or are they simply challenges waiting for me to uncover the path to achievement?