Who Needs a Dad Anyway?

My husband, S, and I have always been strong advocates for reading to our kids at night. We make it a point to visit the library every week or so, returning home with an armful of up to 50 delightful children's books.

After many, many, many books, we couldn't help but notice a recurring pattern - the abundance of motherly figures in children's literature, juxtaposed with the relatively lackluster portrayal of fathers. This observation struck a chord with us. After we finished reading "Mars Needs Moms," S turned to me and earnestly said, "We need more dad propaganda!"

Motivated by our countless literary journeys, we felt a deep calling to create a positive change and offer a more uplifting representation of fathers in children's books. It was then that the first draft of "Who Needs a Dad Anyway?" began to take shape.

S began sketching some images to complement the story, and I must say, his talent shines through in his artwork. However, we faced a hurdle as the draft remains incomplete due to the strain it placed on his eyes.  As I pen these words, we are still on the lookout for a skilled artist to join us and breathe life into our story.

While S may not consider himself a skilled artist, I beg to differ. These are sketches he created for the book, and you'll see why I find them truly awesome!

Sketch #1

Sketch #2

Sketch #3

Sketch #4