Maddie's Story

The Story

Many years ago, I found myself in the midst of a demanding job, surrounded by a group of quirky nerds. During one of our much-needed breather sessions, I couldn't help but share a brilliant idea that had been brewing in my mind. Excitedly, I proposed that we all collaborate on writing a captivating choose-your-own-romance novel. However, my friend J raised an eyebrow, expressing skepticism about whether such a story could truly resonate with diverse readers.

With a grin, I reassured J that we weren't aiming for the next great American novel; our goal was to craft an engaging romance tale. How hard could it be, right? J's response was a classic eye roll, accompanied by a remark that I probably wouldn't finish what I started – a fair observation, considering my history of starting and abandoning numerous endeavors. Still, I brushed off his comment with an indifferent "whatever," secretly determined to prove him wrong.

In my early years, I was engrossed in watching captivating, long-winded Chinese soap operas. The stories that truly captured my heart were filled with a plethora of tragedies befalling the heroines: from abusive parents to misunderstandings leading to years of estrangement from their true love, and even enduring poverty while holding onto their gentle souls. These emotionally charged narratives left a lasting impact on me and had a significant influence on the first draft of my book.

My initial attempt mirrored the melodramatic arcs that had so deeply resonated with me. The protagonist of my story faced a series of heart-wrenching challenges, including an almost-rape, a devastating miscarriage, and an ultimate battle with incurable lung cancer.  

During this creative process, my friend G playfully suggested adding a car accident leading to memory loss for the protagonist. While I laughed it off initially, his comment made me pause and reevaluate the direction of my story.

Fast-forward five years later, I found myself juggling a demanding 60+ hour per week day job, the stress of caring for a newborn, and the relentless pursuit of revising my manuscript between 10 PM and 12 AM. It was a challenging path, but my unwavering dedication led to the completion of "Irreplaceable: Maddie's Story."

Throughout this arduous journey, T's wife, C, played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative. Her invaluable help addressed inconsistencies, turning my vision into a more coherent and compelling tale. As English wasn't my first language, I leaned heavily on C, my mother-in-law M, and other supportive friends who willingly assisted with numerous revisions and plot discussions, despite their own busy lives.

With the manuscript finally finished, C encouraged me to seek a literary agent for traditional publishing. Optimistic and hopeful, I sent out numerous query letters, eager to find someone willing to read my story. However, the responses I received were often disheartening – I either got ghosted or received polite rejections. The internet perpetuated the idea that traditional publishers favored established names, leading me to question my chances in the traditional publishing world.

Frustrated with seeking validation, I decided to explore the world of Amazon self-publishing. Taking this path meant taking full responsibility, from publishing to marketing. My motivation wasn't fame or fortune; I embarked on this journey to prove to myself and my friend that I could write. Financial success was never the driving force behind my efforts; it was about fulfilling a personal goal and sharing my story with others.

With excitement and anticipation, I gifted "Irreplaceable: Maddie's Story" to my nerdy, quirky friend J on a special Christmas day. As he unwrapped the package, a mix of surprise and curiosity played across his features. While time may have erased our initial conversation about the novel, seeing the finished product seemed to genuinely impress him. It was a heartfelt moment, knowing he held in his hands the culmination of my dedication and hard work.

"Irreplaceable: Maddie's Story" holds a special place in my heart, as it is a testament to the collaborative efforts of so many wonderful people. The captivating cover was brought to life by my fantastic friend J, who happens to be the wife of my dear friend R. Alongside J, my awesome husband S also played a vital role in the cover's creation. Their combined talents beautifully encapsulated the essence of the story.

The narrative itself was a product of numerous minds coming together. Countless friends, including T's wife C, contributed their insights and helped shape the storyline, ironing out inconsistencies and making it a more compelling read. Each person's perspective added depth and richness to the final product, making it a true labor of love.

The process of preparing the manuscript for publication was no easy task, but I took it upon myself to ensure it was polished and ready for readers. Hours upon hours of reading blogs and watching tutorials on YouTube equipped me with the necessary skills to format the manuscript with care and precision.

Now, as "Irreplaceable: Maddie's Story" is finally complete and ready to be shared with the world, I sincerely hope you'll give it a chance. It's not just a story; it's a culmination of passion, dedication, and the collective efforts of so many amazing individuals. I believe it holds the power to touch hearts and evoke emotions, and I am eager to share this literary journey with all who are willing to embark on it.